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Coopertavies ants

Formigues cooperatives is a cooperative telematics project in the field of education, where students from different schools in Catalonia, after experiencing cooperative challenges in the physical education class, invent new ones, share them with other schools, test them, improve them and they make an assessment.

The project was born from the hand of professionals from the world of education, and is developed from the area of physical education, and specifically within the subject, in the  different schools in the Catalan territory.


The Osona region, and Vic in particular, has different schools that are involved in the project. This project involves the development of an inter-school coexistence day, where 4th grade students meet in the Jewish Park, and together solve the challenges posed.  From the CEES, the students of 1st of Higher Degree participate in the organization of this day, and in the preparation and development of the challenges, where they help the students to reach the objectives


Creating an event

The project creates your event, it is part of the 2nd year of the Higher Degree of the cycle of Animation of Physical Activity and Sports. In it, students must carry out a sporting event in practice on some of the contents they have worked on during the 2 years of the cycle. The aim of this project is that in the preparation of the sports day, the contents of all the subjects are reflected. In order for this to be the case, the students follow the script of some submissions that allow them to be able to evolve in the preparation of the event.


This project involves the participation of internal and external agents of the CEES, which opens the possibility of action to different groups. Thus, projects can range from the preparation of educational or pedagogical days in institutes or schools, to the organization of championships in different sports, or preparing performances at different fairs, such as  that of the bouquet market.



In the last year, the development and success of some of these projects have led the work team itself to develop a line of business in real life,  which has provided students with  the possibility of being able to continue perfecting and developing the idea.


Coopertavies ants

Formigues cooperatives is a cooperative telematics project in the field of education, where students from different schools in Catalonia, after experiencing cooperative challenges in the physical education class, invent new ones, share them with other schools, test them, improve them and they make an assessment.

The project was born from the hand of professionals from the world of education, and is developed from the area of physical education, and specifically within the subject, in the  different schools in the Catalan territory.


The Osona region, and Vic in particular, has different schools that are involved in the project. This project involves the development of an inter-school coexistence day, where 4th grade students meet in the Jewish Park, and together solve the challenges posed.  From the CEES, the students of 1st of Higher Degree participate in the organization of this day, and in the preparation and development of the challenges, where they help the students to reach the objectives

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