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On May 3, 2010, the brothers Pere and Joan Manel Puig Vall formed the company Center d'Estudis El Seminari, SL, the company that through its acronym, CEES, would give its name to the school specialized in the Intermediate and Higher Degree Training Courses in Physical and Sports Activities, located in the Vic Seminary building from the 2010-2011 academic year.

Since the disappearance of the Maurici Isern school, almost 25 years ago, and with the exception of the hairdressing and beauty center Escola Taller, there has not been a private initiative in the city of Vic in the field of education. as proposed by the CEES.

The CEES was the first regulated school in the region of Osona and many neighboring counties to offer the Intermediate Training Cycles in Conducting Physical Sports Activities in the Natural Environment, and the Higher Degree in Animation of Physical and Sports Activities .

In the first year, in September 2010, 39 students enrolled in the CEES, 14 in the Intermediate Level and 25 in the Higher Degree. The following year (2011-2012 academic year) this figure doubled, reaching 79 students in 20 Intermediate and 59 Higher students. In the 2012-2013 academic year, the CEES had more than a hundred students (113), of whom 28 would take the CFGM in Conducting Physical and Sports Activities and 85 would enroll in the CFGS in Animation of Physical and Sports Activities. In the 2013-2014 academic year, the upward trend was maintained, to a certain extent thanks to the incorporation of the Higher Degree in Social Integration, which allowed us to reach the figure of 125 students distributed as follows: 9 of Integration Social, 31 Intermediate and 85 Higher.

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