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Everything about the project


The organization intends to participate in the coming years of KA1 mobility programs for both students and teachers. The scheduled mobility flow would be as follows:

  • 2021-2022: 15 students of sending, 15 of reception and 5 of practices.

  • 2022-2023: 20 students of sending, 20 of reception and 10 of practices.

  • 2023-2024: 20 sending students, 20 host students, 10 interns and 1 host teacher.

  • 2024-2025: 25 students of sending, 20 of reception, 10 of practices, 1 professor of reception and 1 professor of sending.

  • 2025-2026: 30 sending students, 20 reception students, 10 interns and 1 reception teacher.

  • 2026-2027: 30 students of sending, 20 of reception, 10 of practices and 1 professor of reception. To this are added 25 international students to do the entire higher degree at the institution.



Description of student mobility: Prior to the mobility, the host institution will be contacted and the mobility coordinator will pay a visit to ensure its operation. A learning agreement will be signed with all the details of the mobility and distribution of the tasks of the host organization and the delivery. The professional modules to be worked on during mobility must be defined; its duration with the total number of days, start and end; the organization of the stay and the trips in case the student is a minor; the teaching-learning methodology and the evaluation criteria. The participant must also sign the learning agreement. A requirement to be part of a mobility is to participate in the preparatory English classes offered free of charge by the applicant center. During the mobility, the student will be followed by an assigned teacher from the host school, a student from the host school will guide him / her in the day-to-day practical matters and the mobility coordinator will talk to the participant by instant messaging or video calling. After the mobility, the student will have to hand in a report of his / her international experience and take a language proficiency exam, which will be compared with the level before the mobility.

Description of student mobility in internships: the internships of the participating students will be organized by the host organization, with the supervision of the mobility coordinator and the internship coordinator. Students must sign an internship agreement with the sending school, the host school and the company where the internship will take place. Prior to the mobility, the student will have been working on preparing them with English classes aimed at the professional field of sport and physical activity. During the mobility, both the sending and the reception center will follow up with the students, in the case of the associated center they will do it in person, while the sending school will do it virtually. After the mobility, students will hand in their internship report and take a language proficiency test to analyze their progress in learning the language during the mobility.

Description of teacher mobility: Participating teachers in the mobility must meet the requirements necessary to achieve the objectives of internationalizing the institution and the more specific ones according to the context of the specific situation. Once informed of the objectives to be met, the sending teachers will receive English classes and additional time in their schedule to prepare for mobility. It will be the responsibility of the teacher to prepare the classes to be held in the destination country, however, the mobility coordinator will supervise their work. During the mobility, the coordinator will be in contact with the participant, making a monthly video call. You'll also need to contact the host's address to make sure everything is working properly. After the mobility, the participant will deliver a report and a series of didactic proposals to implement in the requesting center.

Description of the associate degree for international students: through the different mobilities, it is expected to gain experience in the education of the area of sport and physical activity, and thus be able to design an associate degree aimed at training students from different nationalities.


Internationalization strategy

The internationalization strategy of the applicant organization is divided into three stages differentiated by the level of involvement as an organization:

  • Stage 1: KA1 projects with students of reception and sending.

  • Stage 2: KA1 projects with students and teachers of reception and sending.

  • Stage 3: School project by offering an international associate degree (short cycle).

All stages are in line with the institution's internationalization objectives and follow the Erasmus principles.



  • Objective 1: To train students from an international perspective, through mobility and cooperative work with peer centers in Europe, perfecting skills for the future of work.
    The aim is to respond to the growing demand for professionals in the field who are able to carry out cross-border work. Without experience abroad it is very difficult for students to develop international skills, and without these other graduates will get access to jobs before them.

  • Objective 2: To provide opportunities equitably for international experience regardless of the financial resources of students and including those with special educational needs.
    Our center welcomes students from residential educational centers and other profiles with limited financial resources. Students from these contexts have not been able to participate in international experiences and to give them the opportunity they need funds. 10% of the requested places will be reserved. On the other hand, we also have a large number of students with special educational needs, who want to be included in the project and provide international experience. 20% of the requested places will be reserved for this profile. A special action plan agreed with the associated school will be required, adapting what is necessary to give a fair education to the student with SEN. With those from disadvantaged backgrounds, you will be tracked daily via instant messaging.

  • Objective 3: Use ECTS to advance the internationalization of the organization, using learning outcomes as a basis for equivalences between institutions and taking advantage of cooperation to establish educational improvements.
    Our center wants to establish cross-border cooperative relationships and thus progress in the training we offer students. We need to have different aspects, and internationalization responds directly to this, as in our branch of sports education we would be pioneers in the area. On the other hand, this goal also responds to the need to be leaders in educational resources and teaching-learning methods. We are confident that cooperation with other European schools will lead to educational improvements in view of other models of education. These stable networks will also be strengthened through working through learning outcomes, which will facilitate student mobility and the international future of the school.

  • Objective 4: To offer an associate degree to international students in the field of physical activity and sport, with EQF 5 and with possible validations in university degrees.
    The aim is to implement the degree we teach in socio-sports education and animation as an associate degree through the international experience acquired. In this way, the organization would be reaching a new profile of students and it is expected that there would be demand because, according to the Eurydice platform, as it is in good consideration to obtain an associate degree.


Monitoring and evaluation of objectives

  • Objective 1: Progress can be assessed in three phases: before, during and after the international experience.
    Before: International communication skills will be assessed through English language tests.
    During: teachers of the applicant organization and the host organization, will evaluate the cooperation between students from different countries, previously determined by a training agreement (Learning Agreement). The evaluation criteria will also be defined by means of a rubric with indicators of the level of competence for each established learning outcome.
    Then: in the short term, the participants' language competence will be assessed, comparing it with the way it was before mobility. Satisfaction surveys, personal interviews and a report on the Erasmus experience will also be given. In the long term, an employment study will be carried out, and the% of participants who have returned to study abroad will be analyzed.

  • Objective 2: The percentage of students with special educational needs and those from contexts with limited financial resources who have participated in mobility will be analyzed.

  • Objective 3: It will be evaluated through:
    Collect educational improvements as a result of cross-border cooperative work between institutions.
    Analyze if the learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, competences) have worked for the unification of criteria when programming mobility and evaluate the contents taught during it.
    Present learning outcomes to relevant government organizations for approval.

  • Objective 4: The number of students interested in taking the associate degree from different VET schools will be analyzed, after opening registrations, the number of students enrolled will be analyzed and once the short cycle is over, a study will be made. employability and academic future.

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